Sifu game rating
Sifu game rating

sifu game rating

Of course the young child did not die and spends the next 8 years training and honing their martial arts skills in an all or nothing bid for Vengeance. One of them leaves the main protagonist for dead and they all leave the dojo in ruins. The tale of Sifu is much like any martial arts epic, your father is killed by his former student and his 4 henchmen. It looks amazing, feels amazing, plays amazing and it is the most fun I have had getting my butt kicked over and over again. Sifu is a new game from developer Sloclap and frankly it has become a complete obsession. I will find those who killed my Sifu and end them even if it means I die trying. I will sacrifice time, my youth and my life for revenge. My life has been devoted to this, I have trained for years for this. Sean is there, with his deadly staff and once I defeat him another rung on the ladder to the leader will be climbed. I take a few hits, but still standing I sidestep the largest one and deliver a stunning barrage of strikes till he slumps down gasping in pain.Ĭatching my breath and surveying the room I shake off the dust of the encounter and head to the door. A pipe picked up is leveraged against two of them with a flurry of strikes till more are down.

sifu game rating

I know what will happen now and I will surpass their meager skills.īlock, parry, kick and one is down. None of them speak, instead they rush in, but now with fear in their eyes. I will learn from this mistake, I will pass these trials and I will find those that killed my Sifu, my Father.

#Sifu game rating full

My voice is older, thinner, but still full of conviction and confidence. Gasps from the thugs in the club erupt as they see me stand again, their laughter fading as I enter ready stance to rejoin battle. I rise channeling the Chi energy from my medallions, years have been added to my body, but my spirit and fists are still strong. But this is not the end, with each fatal error I am gifted life, but at the cost of time. The pain is excruciating, despite all my training her kick slipped through, shattered my ribs and I can feel myself dying as blood fills my lungs.

Sifu game rating